Bramfield church with its detached tower

On wander in north Suffolk, we had intended to visit the thatched church at Bramfield. However, on arriving, the first thing which grabbed our attention wasn`t the church. It was a crinkle crankle wall, also known as a crinkum crankum, serpentine, ribbon or wavy wall, is an unusual type of garden wall. The crinkle crankle wall economizes on bricks, despite its sinuous configuration, because it can be made just one brick thin, also known as a crinkum crankum, serpentine, ribbon or wavy wall. It is an unusual type of garden wall. The crinkle crankle wall economizes on bricks, despite its sinuous configuration, because it can be made just one brick thin. The crinkle crankle wall Opposite is the glorious thatched church of St.Andrew with its attractive lytchgate. St.Andrew's, together with St.Peter's at nearby Thorington, are both round tower churches of which there are less than fifty throughout Suffolk. The round tower at Bramfield is over thirteen metres hig...