2010 Beauty in the Natural World

As in most years, 2010 had a great many wonderful things to offer in `the wild`. From birds and insects, to colours and shapes. Here are a few of them as I captured them digitally. We are surrounded by amazing things and it is so easy to pass them by. That is why the camera is a great tool for capturing these things and turning them into memories. Long Tailed Tit in the garden Jackdaw in Pembrokeshire.. Swan on the Brett, mirrored in the river. Green Woodpecker feeding its young. Drinker Moth caterpillar Blister Beetle Thrift growing in abundance on the cliff path near Little Haven. Ransoms or Wild Garlic Lords-and-Ladies or Cuckoo Pint. Dandelion head Dark Mullein Orchid Thistle Peacock Butterfly Ruddy Darter Common Blue Swallowtail - Britain's largest butterfly Small Skipper Burnett Four Spotted Chaser Follo...