Australia 2007 - our final few days

Sunday 21st October We're off to Jenolan Caves today with Gra and Jane They are one of the finest and largest cave systems in the world. Because there are so many caves we had to choose which to go in. We went in the Orient caves and then we went in a self guided one through the Devils Coach House. Outside the cave, the Devil's Coach House is a cavernous natural archway in the mountainside, named after the ghostly vision reported by a camper, Luke White, who claimed he had seen the devil himself charge through aboard a horse-drawn coach. The roof of the arch is 57m at its highest point. Some of the amazing Stalactites and stalagmites we have ever seen. Although the first two caves were very different they were both amazing in their own right. It is incredible to imagine how explorers managed to find their way through the caves with only a candle for light, a rope and hobnail boots. It was very early on that the importance of these caves was recognized and sanc...